Jun 7, 2023


As designers, we all know the feeling of being stuck. Whether it's a creative block, a lack of inspiration, or just plain burnout, there are times when our work can feel like a slog. In these moments, it can be tempting to push through and try to force ourselves to produce something - anything - just to keep the work moving. But there's a danger in this approach. By ignoring our own needs and pushing ourselves too hard, we run the risk of creating bad work that doesn't live up to our own standards or the needs of a client.

On the other hand, there are times when we need to push through the bad work in order to get to the good stuff. This is often the case with longer projects, where the first few iterations may not be up to par, but are necessary stepping stones on the path to something great. Drawing endless crappy ideas just to stumble on one line on the page that feels right, even if you don’t know why yet. We have to let go of expecting inspiration to just hit (and sometimes it does and thats great too) but more often than not we learn more, become better, and create stronger solutions when we have weeded out a lot of weak ones.

So how do we know when to take a break, and when to push through? Honestly, I don’t always know for sure. There are always numerous factors to consider that helps strike a balance between taking care of your creativity and personal wellbeing, and striving for resiliency in the face of a creative challenge. Patience and perseverance is my personal moto. I try to listen to my gut, and try to follow a few points of reference when I am unsure of what I need in my process.

Taking a Break When...

The Work Feels Forced

If you're feeling stuck and the work just isn't flowing, it's time to take a break. Forcing yourself to produce something when you're not feeling inspired or motivated will only lead to frustration and disappointment. Sometimes I catch myself mindlessly “doom scrolling” for ideas and inspiration to build a concept off - such a waste of time! If I can’t build momentum with what feels like an original idea (even if its a bad one) I will walk away to see if I can come back with clarity.

I’m Feeling Burned Out All Around

Burnout is a real thing, and it can happen to anyone. It’s not new, but we often forget to acknowledge what a huge impact this has on our creativity. If you're feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, or just plain fed up with your work, it's time to take a step back and recharge. Someone once told me: “I would rather go to sleep early and have a mental head start on a problem than stay up lake and produce mediocre work.” A few extra hours asleep is always more helpful in the long run than a few extra awake and exhausted.

Taking Care of Yourself

Graphic design is a demanding profession, and it's easy to neglect our own needs in the pursuit of a project. Selfcare comes in the form of saying no, asking for more time, or setting clear boundaries for yourself with your client’s about when you are out of the office or unable to work on a project. If you're not taking care of yourself - whether it's through exercise, meditation, or just taking a few minutes to breathe - you're setting yourself up for failure.

Pushing Through When...

I’m Working on a Long-Term Project

Long-term projects can be daunting, and it's easy to get discouraged when the work isn't coming together as quickly as you'd like. But remember: Rome wasn't built in a day. Sometimes, you need to push through the bad work in order to get to the good. Ultimately time is a luxury for artists and designers. While time constraints can help keep things moving along, more often than not we aren’t given nearly enough time to really think through a creative problem and come up with an exciting solution.

I’m Experimenting with a New Technique or Style

Trying something new can be scary, and it's easy to get discouraged when your first attempts don't turn out the way you'd hoped. But remember: every great artist was once a beginner. Push through the bad work, and keep experimenting until you find your groove.

I’m on a Tight Deadline

Sometimes, you just don't have the luxury of taking a break. If you're on a tight deadline, you need to push through and get the work done. But remember to take care of yourself along the way - even if it's just taking a quick walk or grabbing a cup of coffee.

There can be difference between taking a breather and grinding through bad work, but ultimately you need to assess multiple factors to determine whats best for your process. What is certain is that it’s never one approach or the other every time. When we know when to take a break and when to push through, we can dodge burnout, frustration, and disappointment, and make work that's really up to par with our own standards. So the next time you're feeling stuck, just take a sec to think about what you need and make the right call for you and your work.

Cover Photo by Josie Derrick